Jack and his Grand Adventure

The following FM37 Original Story was written for a class assignment. I thought you all may enjoy it. Hit me up on the Contact page if you’d like to read more FM37 Original Stories.

We find Jack sitting In a shop across the table from a Soothsayer. The soothsayer told Jack that he would go on a grand adventure and find treasure. Jack was promised that he would be unscathed, but only if he kept a scroll of a FM37.org article with him. Once the soothsayer had said this, she levitated into the air and disappeared. Before Jack could begin his adventure, he had to find a FM37.org scroll. There were only 50 posts made (yes, there actually are 50) and only 37 had been deposited in Jack’s area. And even of those, all but three were claimed by nobility. So Jack started surveying the land, searching for the three hidden scrolls.

After three weeks of asking around the towns, he had made a map of the locations of all three scrolls. The first scroll was in a cave guarded by goblins. The second was on the top of an icy mountain. And the third was buried in a desert tomb. He didn’t have any clothes for extreme weather, so he decided to try to take on the goblins. He hired a blacksmith to fashion him a sword. Once he had gotten the sword, he paid the blacksmith with some of the savings he was going to use to purchase a house.

The cave that contained the scroll was deep in the forest, next to a great hill. As Jack crept up on the goblins, he watched them. There were about half a dozen of the goblins doing many things: practicing slashing and throwing their swords and daggers, sitting by the fire, and standing guard by the cave’s entrance. Jack took out his bow, which he had bought from an old traveler on the way to the woods, and bought some arrows from him. He fired at a lone goblin who was sitting by the fire. The arrow struck it in the chest. The creature gasped and dropped headfirst into the fire. All of the goblins who were practicing with their weapons came over to investigate, while the ones guarding the cave watched. As soon as they were in range, Jack leaped out of the foliage and attacked one of the goblins. The remaining four immediately went berserk and started attacking Jack. He wasn’t very skilled with the blade, but he managed to vanquish the goblins by the skin of his teeth.

Once Jack had picked up the weapons and food of the goblins, he entered the cave and walked a few feet. He immediately stopped and gazed into a gaping hole. He could just barely make out a scroll at the bottom. He tried to climb down the pit, but ten feet up, he lost his grip and plummeted to the ground. He was bruised, but he didn’t break any bones. He got up and grabbed the scroll. He looked around for a way to get up and noticed a ladder.

Now that Jack had acquired the scroll, the soothsayer, who introduced herself as Aracanosh, appeared again. She said that he had done very well and that he must now venture to Lake Gelopedo and read the scroll out loud on the shores of the lake. After that, she slowly faded into thin air. He began his adventure. He crossed over Peateos, skittered through traps, jumped over ravens, and fought many more goblins and faced many more strange creatures.

After another three weeks of adventuring to Gelopedo, he had made several friends and got very skilled with his sword and bow. He got to the lake and read the scroll out loud. Once the very last syllable had left his lips, the earth started shaking. Birds flew off into the distance, and there were ripples across the pond. From the water rose a creature that had the legs of an octopus and the torso of a goblin, similar to a centaur. It said, “The treasure you seek will only be given to you once you defeat me.” From the lake also rose a jeweled trident. Then the gobopus beckoned him to the lake.

Jack took out his bow and sent an arrow toward his opponent. The gobopus swam to the left, but the arrow hit its tentacle in the water. The gobopus screamed and threw its trident toward Jack. He narrowly missed, landing in the mud. The gobopus now came toward its trident, slowly crawling out of the water. Jack pretended to struggle up, and the gobopus thought Jack was actually struggling. So while its back was turned, Jack leaped up with a stance of bravery. The gobopus quickly turned around and grabbed its trident and thrust it toward Jack. Jack parried it with his sword and the trident flew to the water. And before the gobopus could react, he stabbed the beast in the stomach.

Once Jack was sure that the monster was dead, he grabbed its trident. But when he looked back at the place where the gobopus had been, there was only a large chest. Jack picked up the trident and noticed that the tip of the bottom looked like a key. He put the trident in the lock and it opened. Inside was filled to the brim with diamonds, rubies, topaz, gold, and many more rare minerals. While Jack was staring in awe at the chest, Aracanosh the soothsayer appeared. She looked at Jack, smirked, and said, “Did you enjoy your adventure?”



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