My First Time Eating a McDonald’s Chicken Sandwich

I have eaten at McDonald’s plenty of times and I have had the normal burgers, but I never tried the Chicken Sandwich. And I have to say, this sandwich came not too far from McDonald’s amazing Nuggets.

Similar to my Chick-fil-a Sandwich review, I did order them online but this time I waited to eat both the fries and sandwich. Also this time I do not possess Grape prime, although I do have McDonald’s extremely carbonated, almost spicy sprite.

Once I arrived at my home, I immediately got my sandwich and took my first bite. The buns were very slightly burnt and the chicken gave a very slight crunch with a warm inside. Paired with the spicy sprite and amazing fries, it was a very good experience.

Overall, the chicken sandwich was satisfying, but it lacked some flavor and juiciness compared to other sandwiches I have tried. I gave the chicken sandwich a rating of 7.5 out of 10 because it had a nice crunch and a warm inside, but the buns were slightly burnt and the chicken was not very tender.


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