My review of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Hello, today I will be telling you about what I thought of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. With no spoilers so yeah lets begin!

First of to confirm some questions that I have been asked

  1. Yes there is a Spider-Cat and Spider-TRex

  2. This is indeed a two part movie

  3. It was a very big cliffhanger

  4. For swearing there are a few Hells and one or two damns but still pretty kid friendly.

If there was something I would change it would be at the start that we could hear Gwen's voice a little better cause when she was playing the drums it was kinda hard to hear what she was saying. But Overall the graphics were good, The story was really good, the character’s personality was shown really well. I would give this movie a 4.8 out of 5 stars. And I know that wasn’t the best review you’ve ever seen but then again this website isn’t primarily for movie reviews.

So that was my review. I would recommend you watch Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. It is a good movie. So cya in the next one! (I recommend you read another one)


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