The Main Goal of Minecraft Legends

Hello, traveler. Today I will be just telling YOU about what the main goal of Minecraft legends is.

Well the main goal is this; The piglins are invading the overworld and you the hero have to stop them with the help of Creepers, golems, and the allays you will attempt to save the overworld. I have met quite a few people on the Minecraft Legends Discord who have thought that it's basically like Minecraft Dungeons but with piglins. It is not like Minecraft dungeons, it isn't just one little guy finding power and trying to destroy & make the villagers miserable. Although the villagers do get trapped, that is not the piglins goal, their goal is to take over the entire overworld.

So there you go, fair traveler, that is the main goal of Minecraft Legends; not only just to hurt the villagers but to hurt all creatures.


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