Why FitterMussel37.com is called FitterMussel37.com

Hello, today I will explain why this website is called what it is. So let’s begin this ancient story…

Once upon a time I was playing a knock-off version of Minecraft and I had spent many hours working on it digging holes, building houses, trapping horses, flying like superman, ect. And one day I had been working on a house where I had trapped a bunch of people in a house and I wanted to remove ONE 1 block and the entire house DIS-A-PPEARED.

And so my dad said, “hey, how about you just play the real Minecraft?” And so that is how I joined minecraft but that isn’t what this story is about. When I joined Minecraft. And guess what my name was FitterMussel37 da…Da…DA! Yeah and that has been my name on pretty much every game I have played since except the ones where it is too much characters.( fun fact did you know that FitterMussel37 is an inappropriate name according to Nitro Type?). I then i decided to have the most complicated website name ever FitterMUssel37.com

Yep, that is why this website is called what it is cya in the next one!


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